Some Beach Some Where

After 7 kids and 6 grandkids, this is the dream that keep's us going...

My Photo
Location: ROWLETT, Texas, United States

Crazy from the git go!

Sunday, May 29, 2005

Turtle, turtle!

Sarah saw her shadow. It look's like we have another 30 days of winter.

Look into my're getting very sleepy.

Isaiah is mind melding with Missy....power overload!

Where's the Beef!

Mimi, you didn't have to get rid of Jack for me; I was going to take him to the SPCA.

Watch closely as I make the bubble disappear

Watch Will catch the bubbles kids. He's having more fun than the kids!

Blow harder Stef! Those bubbles are too small.

I wonder why they call her bubbles at work?

Oh, he says he's never played pool before!

Minnesota Skinny. A pool shark in sheeps clothing.

Up it puppet!

Mimi took my sausage. She's hiding it behind her back!

Caught in the act!

She rides tall in the saddle, don't you think?

Which one of you stole my mararita?

So you want a graduation party huh? Ok but no drinking allowed!

Saturday, May 21, 2005

Mustang Candy!

Mustang Candy and my little Sugar Muffin, both captured in all their glory!

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Uncle Tom and Linda

Wow, what a pair! I'm glad you two finally are getting along, hehe!

Tommy Boy!

Tommy look's more like a mafia hit man every time I see him. Hey Tommy Boy, when you coming down to see me?

Full as Grey Dog Ticks!

Brenda, James and Aunt Peggy are getting ready for volleyball. Got to wait 30 minutes to let the food settle, LOL!

Pebbly Poo!

This little gerber baby look's as sweet as candy! Don't you just want to kiss her all over?

Fatal LaughingItis can be contagious!

This guy just can't stop laughing! We took him to the hospital but it was too late.

SpongeBob and his Friends!

Geezel Petes, the trampoline doesn't work anymore!

Hear no evil - Speak no evil and Evil Kneivel

The 3 Amigos......OLey!

Hold on with both hands, dude!

Matt and his babe!

The next Wheel of Fortune MC

The Master of Diaster, Marcus the Miraculas

Sean, there's no girls watching so lose the Glamour smile!

Mr. Party Hearty Marty himself!

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Did you boys pee in the hot tub?

I found these 2 little hairballs in the hot tub. Quick Tamm, get the shock treatment!

Monday, May 02, 2005

Titty Twist

My other brother Larry has high beams! I think it's a little cold out here, LOL!