Some Beach Some Where

After 7 kids and 6 grandkids, this is the dream that keep's us going...

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Location: ROWLETT, Texas, United States

Crazy from the git go!

Saturday, March 26, 2005

Rosie is beating Mike in a soup eating contest.

Rosie is always shoving something in her mouth. Poor Mikey can't eat fast enough to keep up.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Man Rosie, for a small girl you sure can put it away, LOL!

5:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

trying to save grace - try to use some other words besides "Rosie is always shoving something in her mouth. Poor Mikey can't eat fast enough to keep up" to me it sounds like i can out eat Mike

thanks larry - Dont worry I get it

9:07 AM  

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