Some Beach Some Where

After 7 kids and 6 grandkids, this is the dream that keep's us going...

My Photo
Location: ROWLETT, Texas, United States

Crazy from the git go!

Saturday, March 26, 2005

Ah huh! Caught in the act!

You've got to stop leaving food on the picnic table. This pack of squirrels keep stealing it. We even named them.....Linda, Debbie, Darla and my favorite, Bubby Vernon.

Lucky Dog

If you rub this dog's fur long enough it makes you sleepy instead of lucky!

You 2 varmits hold still!

Justin caught a couple of rats in his room. It scared the pea soup out of Jake!

Mimi wants to take sky diving lessons.

Now Stef, that wasn't funny at all!

Mike's almost got Carter to sleep.

I think he's asleep, is his eyes closed?

Guess who wears the pants in the family?

Ken's woman and uh........oh yeah, Ken. Debbie is starting her new photography career and Kenny is going to manage the entire opertion from his new office chair.

The next President and 1st Lady!

Do you think these guys are Democrat or Repuplican?

Rosie is beating Mike in a soup eating contest.

Rosie is always shoving something in her mouth. Poor Mikey can't eat fast enough to keep up.

Steve's yodling class.

It's all in the tongue, Larry. Roll it like this!

Little Al is telling Dad how to get rich quick!

Dad and lil' Al, (Pete and repeat.)

Chain gang boss - don't push your luck!

Don't even get on her bad side, she put a 55 gallon drum of whooparse on ya, QUICK!

Happy and Golucky!

We found these two hitch hiking along the highway, so we brought them home for some supper.

Daddy Dennis is worried about his pup.

Jennys knee surgery.

Ut uh, you don't say!

No Way! I don't want that dog JACK

The chicken is a little tough.

Grandpa Larry has to gum his food now since he lost most of his teeth. For some reason, Al thinks this is funny.

Working on a rare idea.

It's a coming, it's a coming, it's a coming........well where in the heck did it go?

Rapture practice!

If you're happy and you know it raise your hands.

Three's Company

Johnny, Rhi and Derek are tied up in a big game of twister.

Friday, March 25, 2005

That 70's Show.....for real!

Most of the Plant family and friends in 1978.

Vern and Tom planning another sneak attack!

I really miss the good 'ole days when these two would bring home snakes and frogs to scare us with.

See how subdued uncle Larry is. He knows better.

Don't mess with Liz, she'll put the whip on ya.

See where I got my good looks.

Momma Liz sure was pretty!

Thursday, March 24, 2005

The acorn didn't fall far from the tree.

Layla caught one of Santa's elves milling around the fireplace.

This is a mood blouse...kind a like a mood ring.

It's not a diamond ring. Does this in any way look like a diamond ring to you?

Darn, I'm fresh out of pixy dust!

Cinderella will just have to wait.

The next American Idol

She always looks this way when it's not her birthday.

Momma Stef and Izzy.

Joined at the cheek when Izzy's gum feel out while sleeping.

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Time for flea inspection!

Baily keeps fleas out of the house after playing outdoors.

Always turn on the lights before applying makeup!

You've smeared your lipstick.

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

If we lay very still maybe Grandpa won't see us!

Shhhhhhhhh, don't make a peep!

Mom, my teeth are stuck together!

I found this picture in the Webster's dictionary next to the word SNEAKY.

Looks like I'm holding baby Layla, again.

Finally, baby Rhi let me hold her for longer than 5 seconds

Time to open your birthday gifts!

Would you like a BIG birthday present, Cody?

I need to use the potty before I blow out the candles!

Just trickin', Happy Birthday Dakota!

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Sharing David, isn't that what you've always been taught?

David has always been stengy about sharing mom with Casey. See, he can't even share in this picture. Casey can't seem to get David let go of the apron strings.

Tammye's Southern Hospitality

A BIG TEXAS HOWDY TO YA! Posted by Hello

Monday, March 14, 2005

Irma's Professional Garage Cleaning Service

I like to whistle while I work.

Beautiful Grand Lake of the Cherokees

Our front yard Posted by Hello

Saturday, March 12, 2005

Where's that danged Genie when you need him.

Our good friends, Terry and Irma. Party on dudes.

Is it dead yet?

Is it dead yet? Olivia said to bury it! This was the Grilled Stuffed Jalapeno class that Jenny taught the crew for future endeavors.

This kid is spazzed out!

Don't give this kid any more coffee, it will stunt his growth and make his little face look like this when he grows up!

The bare butt shuffle, wild new dance craze!

Rhi's practicing her karioki act for Thursday night at the Bingo hall. It's a little breezy, though.

Missy n Larry

Looks like Missy and Larry are getting along now. You two quit Doesn't Larry look Grampa Al when he was young?

Open wide. Now sing your heart out!

What a big mouth you have. The better for eating with, my dear. Break out the Gerbers, ma!

Cool Hand Luke, er uh I mean Derek!

This Derek's serious face. He's practicing for his tryout in hollywood. He's got the look, don't you think?

Little Sissy, as uncle Faye called her....

This is Gayle, the baby of Liz an Al's family. The bestest sister in the whole world! Everyboy need's a sister like this one. Gayle, we love you.

Sarah Doesn't Like Justin's Deoderant!

Sarah and Will had fun at Jen's Birthday Party

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

One thousand 1, one thousand 2, one thousand 3...

The next MR. UNIVERSE, are the girls still watching? Posted by Hello