Some Beach Some Where

After 7 kids and 6 grandkids, this is the dream that keep's us going...

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Location: ROWLETT, Texas, United States

Crazy from the git go!

Saturday, March 26, 2005

Guess who wears the pants in the family?

Ken's woman and uh........oh yeah, Ken. Debbie is starting her new photography career and Kenny is going to manage the entire opertion from his new office chair.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, when are you 2 coming to Big D? You saying that you are going to come down, but I'll be dead before you get here. HURRY!

5:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am so ready for a trip to the Big D. Lets make plans!

4:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, what are you waiting for, when hell freezes over? If you wait too long, I'm only going to want to stay in my rocking chair on the porch. The door is open once you get the notion. Debbie and Kenny, "Come 'on down".

8:37 AM  

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